
Parish Council Vacancies

8th of August, 2023

Currently, there are a total of 5 vacancies to be filled by co-option in the Clayton Brook and West Wards of the Parish. Parish Councillors represent residents in their local area, attending monthly Parish Council meetings and help make ...

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Cheap Bus Fares in Lancashire

8th of August, 2023

If you're at a loose end over the Summer Holiday why not take the bus for a great family day out in Lancashire. *£2 maximum single fare every day *Buy a day ticket on the bus on a Saturday and get the Sunday FREE ...

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Gough Lane - Litter Pick

19th of July, 2023

Our weekly volunteer litter pick met at Gough Lane yesterday at 1pm and did a smashing job picking litter around the area. Thank you for all their efforts! It is much appreciated! Thank you to: Cllr Steve Maddock ...

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5 Parish Councillor Vacancies

18th of July, 2023

Currently, there are a total of 5 vacancies to be filled by co-option in the Clayton Brook and West Wards of the Parish. Parish Councillors represent residents in their local area, attending monthly Parish Council meetings and help make ...

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Litter Pick at Gough Lane

17th of July, 2023

The weekly volunteer litter pick will be meeting tomorrow Tuesday 18th July at 1pm at Gough Lane. Anyone is welcome to join the group of volunteers. Equipment is provided. Make sure you come prepared for the weather with a wate...

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