Welcome to the Clayton-le-Woods Parish Council Website

Parish Councils are civil Local Authorities, being the lowest, or first tier of local government. Clayton-le-Woods is a large Parish within the borough of Chorley and has a long history, being established in 1894. It consists of 15 voluntary Parish Councillors who are elected for a four year term of office to serve and administer to the needs of the residents of Clayton-le-Woods village. It employs a Clerk to the Council and funding is raised by a precept on each residential property in the Parish, via your Council Tax. This allows us to carry out our duties to both improve and maintain the area in which we live.

What Do We Do?

The Parish Council does a myriad of things from installing footpaths, doggy bag dispensers and defibrillators to owning a bowling green, woodland, several play areas and a skate park. We are presently having a new office and meeting room built. We have several grounds maintenance, hanging basket and flowerbed contracts to enhance the appearance of the area. We also employ 5 Lengthsmen from the Brothers of Charity based at Lisieux Hall to help keep the area litter free. We also support a volunteer litter picking group who do a weekly litter pick all around the village.

We hold several events during the year such as the Clayton Cup Schools Competition, a Summer Fair, a Scarecrow Festival, the annual OAP Christmas Lunch and the Christmas Light Switch On. We liaise with 6 local schools supporting them with equipment and sponsoring an annual sports event. We support charitable groups locally with funding for projects and equipment.

If you have any ideas to improve the area we would be pleased to hear from you. You can contact your local Parish Councillor or the Parish Clerk directly or fill out our enquiry form.

Local Authorities - Who Does What?

County Councils

Clayton-le-Woods Parish Council comes under Lancashire County Council who has responsibility for:

  • Children, education and families
  • Health and social care
  • Transport and travel
  • Roads, pot holes, repairs and gritting
  • Recycling centres
  • Fire and public safety
  • Flooding
  • Libraries and archives
  • Trading standards
  • Births, marriages and deaths

For information on County Council services:

Website: www.lancashire.gov.uk
Phone: 0300 123 6701
Email: enquiries@lancashire.gov.uk

Borough Councils

Clayton-le-Woods Parish Council comes under Chorley Council who has responsibility for:

  • Collection of council tax
  • Bins, litter and recycling collection
  • Housing
  • Planning applications
  • Environmental health
  • Leisure Centres and play areas
  • Parks and allotments

For more information on Chorley Council Services:

Website: www.chorley.gov.uk
Phone: 01257 515151

Parish Councils

Parish Councils are set up and controlled by law and can only act if there is a legal power to do so. Parish Councils are often consulted on County and District issues such as planning applications, road improvements and changes to public transport. Parish Councils can provide vital local knowledge such as flooding concerns and transport and access problems.

Parish Councils are being encouraged to deliver more services and can also support local community groups and provide community activities. They also ensure that the principle authorities are aware of local concerns such as problems with potholes, highway visibility, litter and dog fouling.

N.B The photo of the sunset in our main banner is © Copyright - John Woods

Latest News

Weekly Community Volunteer Litterpick
Weekly Community Volunteer Litterpick

Another huge haul of litter was removed from our environment today on our weekly community litter pick, helping make our villages a nicer place to ...

Weekly Volunteer Community Litterpick
Weekly Volunteer Community Litterpick

Another huge amount of litter was removed from our streets on Tuesday making our streets nicer and safer for nature. And Yes this litter is really ...

Weekly Community Litter Pick
Weekly Community Litter Pick

Another huge haul of litter was collected today on our weekly community litter pick. A massive thank you to our volunteers for braving th...